About Eternity Ahead

Eternity Ahead has been different things in my mind.  It started as series of booklets, then a book, next a video, but eventually it turned out to be the series of videos that are on this website.  Because of my desire for everyone I love to experience the forgiveness of God and to be with Him forever, my intention was to create these videos to communicate to my family what I believe is the most important message in the world, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I came to realize, though, that if I had them on a website I could make them available to anyone who would visit it.  So here we are.  Family, friend, or stranger, these videos are for you. 

My prayer is that God will draw you to Himself from whatever distance you might be from an intimate saving relationship with Him and that my videos will help, and not hinder, His work in that process.  

Soli Deo gloria.


About Me

I'm an Indiana boy who behaves pretty nearly grown up when I'm around other people, though not necessarily when I'm in the privacy of my own home.

My career path has been a type of "Jack of all trades and master of none": warehouse worker, landscaper, carpenter, handyman, missionary to high school and middle school students, salesman, quality assurance manager, and plumber. Now I find myself a "Jack of amateur video production" and not mastering that either, but I'm working on it.

The Lord drew me to Himself and saved me while I was working on a dude ranch in Colorado 1980 and my life has never been the same since. I will never get over the love and mercy He shows me every day.

I am blissfully married to my lovely wife, Jackie, and we have five children and eleven grandchildren.  And yes, that also makes me a "Jack of Jackie."